Message from the President


Extending the spirit of the company’s foundation and aiming to achieve carbon neutrality

Last month, our company marked the 83rd anniversary of its foundation.
We are currently addressing a variety of new challenges, but on the other hand, there are many things, such as the principles and culture that have been passed down to us since the company was first founded, that we should continue to hold dear into the future.
These anniversaries have become an important milestone, opportunity, one that we can all share, to go back to the roots of our foundation and re-examine what we need to change and what we should continue to uphold.

This month is Environment Month as designated by the Ministry of the Environment. At Kojima, we have our own unique corporate culture of “completing the life of things” and “making use of the old.” This culture has been passed down since the company was first founded and is something that has always informed our environmental activities.
However, the conventional practice of energy conservation and isolated contributions are no longer anywhere near enough for us to achieve carbon neutrality.
In our quest to achieve such a lofty goal, we will uphold the spirit of our foundation and further extend our activities toward new initiatives that we can undertake. And, as a member of the automotive industry and as a Japanese company, we will push forward in our contributions to the future and to the environment.

I am grateful for your continued understanding and support as we strive to be a company you can trust. We intend to strengthen our corporate structure through the hard work of each employee, and devote ourselves to achieving “harmony” with our families and local communities.