Message from the President


Realizing “Build Back Better”

Once again, the number of cases of the novel coronavirus is increasing.
Workplace vaccination is making progress within the company and at our Group companies, but we will also step up our in-house guidelines for the prevention of transmission and make further efforts to prevent the spread of infections.
I continue to pray for the health of all employees and their families.

Last month was our semiannual settlement of accounts.
Looking back on the first half of this fiscal year, my impression is that we performed well, underpinned by favorable sales volumes at Toyota Motor Corporation. I would like to thank our customers and suppliers, whose support and cooperation have made these results possible.

On the other hand, the future outlook remains unclear, due to factors such as lockdowns in Southeast Asia resulting from rising COVID-19 case numbers and the global shortage of semiconductors.
With the intention of “turning crisis into opportunity,” we will further develop the manufacturing capabilities that we have reinforced since last year, as well as our evolving working methods and styles, to face this challenge in the spirit of “Build Back Better.”

I am grateful for your continued understanding and support as we strive to be a company you can trust. We intend to strengthen our corporate structure through the hard work of each employee, and devote ourselves to achieving “harmony” with our families and local communities.