Message from the President


Hopes that New Recruits, Armed with Their Special Experience, will Greatly Inspire the Company

On October 1, we held a COVID-safe naiteishiki, a ceremony to formally present next year’s new graduate recruits with their employment offers for next year.
For Kojima, with its Company Policy of “Harmony,” this ceremony and the company entrance ceremony when our new recruits officially join us next year, are occasions in which we welcome in new members of the Kojima family. At the same time, they also present an invaluable opportunity for those of us on the receiving end to re-examine and discipline ourselves anew.
This year, we were only able to see the faces of our prospective recruits across face masks, or on computer screens for those participating online, but their gazes shone all the more powerfully because of that, and they filled me with great hope.
In addition, this year’s prospective recruits have gone through a tumultuous two years, in which everything they once considered normal was torn from them in an instant. But even beyond that, they have been supported by many people during those two special, invaluable years, which have given them an experience that is irreplaceable.
Next spring, when these fresh young people join us, I hope that their special experience will inspire the rest of the company greatly and become a driving force for the acceleration of reform. I look forward to this leading to our mutual growth.

I am grateful for your continued understanding and support as we strive to be a company you can trust. We intend to strengthen our corporate structure through the hard work of each employee, and devote ourselves to achieving “harmony” with our families and local communities.