Message from the President
A Flying Start at Full Strength
Last year, we organized the Kojima Festival, which has continued for 46 years, with new ideas, transforming it into an event for employee interaction on a special website.
The Festival is being held online again this year, but incorporating even more new plans. Employees can interact with each other, as well as involving their families, and the event will also lead to contributions to society.
Since last year, with various restrictions increasing the number of things we are no longer able to do, we thought hard about what things we need to hold onto and how we can achieve that. This is part of our ongoing challenge of “finding new work and new ways of doing our work.”
These initiatives have not only enabled us to create new value. I am struck by the individual growth in all of us that has come out of our efforts to tackle, and succeed in, new and unprecedented challenges.
Production is also finally on the road to recovery, and our catch-up production drive is about to launch. Having overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and fully demonstrating the strengths in manufacturing we have built up from the ground, as well as our achievements in building up our people, we will push forward as a united force so that we can get off to a flying start toward recovery at full strength.
I am grateful for your continued understanding and support as we strive to be a company you can trust. We intend to strengthen our corporate structure through the hard work of each employee, and devote ourselves to achieving “harmony” with our families and local communities.