Message from the President


Changing the way All-Kojima works by changing our ways of viewing, doing, and thinking

A Happy New Year!

This fiscal year, we have revamped our corporate website.
Going forward, we will communicate our philosophy and initiatives more proactively and in a timelier manner, with the aim of creating a corporate culture with which you will all feel familiar.

We have declared “Changing the way All-Kojima works by changing our ways of viewing, doing, and thinking” as our corporate policy for this year.
“Ways of viewing” refers to our perspectives toward carbon neutrality, global issues, and our business domains. “Ways of doing” refers to all of the ways in which we pursue our work, including digitalization and the thorough elimination of wasted effort through sangen-shugi, or the principle of the “three reals” (real place, real part, real facts). “Ways of thinking” refers to engaging in our business with a “backtracking” frame of mind, meaning to create a vision for the company’s future and consider what we need to do to achieve that vision, while also upholding our ideals and philosophy and our founding concepts.

While it may be a hackneyed expression, we need to anticipate the future mobility society with “the eyes of a bird, the eyes of an insect, and the eyes of a fish” and, with a sense of ownership, break free of precedents and conventions.
With the aim of creating such human capital, this year too, we will forge ahead to “build up and protect people.”

I am grateful for your continued understanding and support as we strive to be a company you can trust. We intend to strengthen our corporate structure through the hard work of each employee, and devote ourselves to achieving “harmony” with our families and local communities.