Message from the President
March 2023 Message
The Toyota Suppliers Convention took place on February 24, the first time in four years.
Representing Team Kojima, Kojima Industries Corporation had the honor of receiving three prestigious awards from our customer, Toyota Motor Corporation, namely, for Excellence in Cost Improvement, Supply Improvement, and Excellence in SSA Promotion.
This achievement owes much to the guidance of our customers and the cooperation of our suppliers, and I would like to thank them all sincerely.
These awards are a testament to the trust that our customers hold in Team Kojima. While it is a great honor to receive these awards, at the same time, they have renewed my resolve to further raise the standard of all our activities on the foundation of safety and quality, so we may respond to that trust.
During my attendance at the Toyota Suppliers Convention, I also sensed at first hand the great expectations that our customers have placed in us as their suppliers.
So that we will continue to be needed by society and our customers amid the major changes taking place in the environment surrounding automobiles, we will create new value and stride forward toward our aim of being a company that can contribute to the mobility society into the future.