Message from the President


May 2023 Message

On the 20th of this month, our company will mark the 85th anniversary of its foundation.
85 years ago, our founder’s challenge of “entering the unknown world of the automotive industry” was the starting point of our journey of manufacturing automotive components.

At this milestone of the anniversary of our foundation, I am deeply grateful to our loyal customers, suppliers, and local communities, who have supported us over these many years, and to our predecessors and senior colleagues who built the foundations for our advancement, for helping us to achieve this milestone. I also feel strongly that each and every one of us must connect this milestone to our new challenge of “contributing to the mobility society of the future.”

Last month, Toyota Motor Corporation announced the “Toyota Mobility Concept,” its vision for the future of cars, with its two main pillars of carbon neutrality and mobility value. With the progress in diverse initiatives, such as the use of data that links cars and various apps, aviation mobility, and the use of hydrogen, the world will head ever faster toward the realization of a mobility society.

Under these circumstances, All-Kojima is proceeding with its challenge for the creation of new value.
Nevertheless, our new initiatives remain centered on the philosophy that we have upheld since our foundation. That way of thinking will never change as we move forward. Once again, all of us at Kojima, our hearts as one, will work toward sustainable growth in the future.

I am grateful for your continued understanding and support as we strive to be a company you can trust. We intend to strengthen our corporate structure through the hard work of each employee, and devote ourselves to achieving “harmony” with our families and local communities.