Message from the President


July 2023 Message

The first half of this year has already come and gone. Production and sales of automobiles are trending toward recovery, even amid the many difficulties such as COVID-19 and semiconductor shortages, thanks to the united efforts of our customers, the supply chain, and other related locations to overcome those difficulties.

However, these kinds of changes also make it easier for unexpected accidents and injuries to occur.
This month being Safety Awareness Month, we must raise our awareness of safety even further.

Kojima has long engaged in manufacturing from a position of Safety First, Quality Second, and Productivity Third. No matter what the circumstances, we must once more thoroughly cultivate a culture in which safety and quality must never be neglected for the sake of deadlines or productivity.

To do this, we will forcefully promote the development of people who uphold safety through workplace communications in safety activities. At the same time, I hope to pursue simple manufacturing from the design/development and production preparation stages that eliminates anything that makes it harder for workers to do their jobs and to press ahead with the creation of a safe environment.

I am grateful for your continued understanding and support as we strive to be a company you can trust. We intend to strengthen our corporate structure through the hard work of each employee, and devote ourselves to achieving “harmony” with our families and local communities.