Message from the President


December 2023 Message

In the Mechanical Drawing & Design category of the 61st National Skills Competition, which took place from November 17 to 21, Shunta Shiga of Kojima’s General Affairs and Human Resources Department was awarded the “Fighting Spirit” prize. I also went to the venue to cheer on our entrants, and I was caught up in the excitement of witnessing the competition take place in such a tense atmosphere. This award, our first in six years, was a result of the steady daily efforts of our employees. I would like to express my appreciation to our predecessors and senior colleagues for passing on their skills.

We have been taking part in the Mechanical Drawing & Design category of the National Skills Competition since 2005 as part of our human resources development efforts targeting the younger generations. The aim of this initiative is to help our younger employees gain confidence by accomplishing a single goal and to improve their skills through experience. Going forward, we will strive to pass on skills and techniques to the next generation, while concentrating our efforts on human resources development.

This year is fast drawing to a close, with only one month remaining.
This year, Kojima marked the 85th anniversary of its foundation.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude toward our valued customers and stakeholders who have supported our company’s growth, and, above all, our predecessors and seniors.

This year, we were able to win many project awards from customers for vehicle models that first rolled off the production lines this year, thanks to the introduction of the Business Domain Headquarters structure in 2021 and the various steady and tireless efforts made toward the transformation and improvement of the Company.

In October the employees of All-Kojima and their families came together for the “Kojima Festival – A Gathering of Peace,” an in-house event to promote friendship. Like the company itself, this event also marked a major milestone, being the 50th time it has been held. I was reminded of the significance of this event as an opportunity for our employees and their families to communicate directly and develop deeper social ties. At the same time, I renewed my determination to connect the festival to the future.

Shunta Shiga is on the right

Kojima Festival

Within the Company, as well as looking back on our activities this year, we have already started our run-up toward 2024.
I am certain that, in the 15 years from now until our centennial, change will happen at a faster pace than ever before. We will push forward with further transformations next year so that we can keep pace with the speed of that change, with all employees thinking about what we can do for the world and our customers.

I am grateful for your continued understanding and support as we strive to be a company you can trust. We intend to strengthen our corporate structure through the hard work of each employee, and devote ourselves to achieving “harmony” with our families and local communities.