Message from the President
December 2024 Message
In the autumn honors announced on November 3, Toshio Takagi of Kojima Group company, Technohama Co, Ltd., was awarded the prestigious Medal with Yellow Ribbon. Mr. Takagi became the 12th recipient of this kind of honor in All-Kojima. He was highly commended for his contribution to the improvement and transmission of skills in mold manufacturing.
Also, in the Mechanical Drawing & Design category of the 62nd National Skills Competition, which took place from November 22 to 25, Shunta Shiga of Kojima’s General Affairs and Human Resources Department was awarded the “Fighting Spirit” prize for the second year in a row.
As a company, we engage in the development of people who can contribute to the improvement of skills and techniques and contribute to society through bold, proactive challenges embraced by individuals to enhance their own strengths. As well as appreciating recognition of our repeated efforts of this kind from day to day, I would like to express my profound gratitude to our predecessors and seniors for their ongoing warm support and guidance.
This year is fast drawing to a close, with only one month remaining.
In April this year, we established our Mission, Vision, and Values (MVV). Based on the thinking behind our basic philosophy, the MVV serves as a compass for us as we forge our path toward the future. In the seven values known collectively as the “Kojima Way,” which are values and guidelines for conduct shared by all employees, we use the expression “think and act.” This year, I was able to witness many examples, both within Kojima Industries and at our Group companies, of employees identifying with these values and actually moving to “think and act” by proactively taking on challenges toward their goals. I am sure that this has been a year in which each and every one of those employees have sensed their further growth.
With pride in the MVV, which we created ourselves, based on the voices of all employees, instead of relying on external resources, next year, I am determined to continue striving, together with our employees, to forge our path toward a bright future.