Message from the President


January 2025 Message

Happy New Year.
Thank you very much for your constant kind and generous support.

Until the year before last, we started our new policies in January, but from last year, as an annual policy starting in April, we declared the All-Kojima Medium-term Policy 2028, “We will gather the knowledge and insights of All-Kojima and build the future with free ideas and innovation.” Under this policy, we are promoting initiatives for our future vision and the strengthening of our foundations.
Through changes in the way each individual thinks and acts, we are beginning to see tangible results, such as strengthening our organizational capabilities to enhance competitiveness and creating new value, and I can sense that these efforts are steadily leading to positive outcomes.

On the other hand, against the backdrop of a variety of management issues, if we are to discover new strengths for winning against global competition, I believe that we must further strengthen the cooperation between business domains, between companies, and between departments.
We are firmly committed to creating an environment in which our employees, regardless of their position, role, and job description, are interested and engaged in each other’s work and can think and act with an All-Kojima perspective.

This year’s zodiac is “Kinotomi,” which corresponds to the Year of the Snake on the Chinese zodiac calendar. Due to the way it sheds its skin, the snake is also regarded as a symbol of change and growth. It is said that the Year of the Snake will be one of vigorous growth, in which efforts will bear fruit.
By invigorating communication across the boundaries of business domains, companies, and departments and promoting the development of people who can think and act with an All-Kojima perspective, I hope to make 2025 a year of further advancement, in which the efforts of each and every one of our employees will bear fruit.

I look forward to your support throughout the year.

I am grateful for your continued understanding and support as we strive to be a company you can trust. We intend to strengthen our corporate structure through the hard work of each employee, and devote ourselves to achieving “harmony” with our families and local communities.